niche inwards

work with expertise in mind. dedicated teams, dedicated verticals - no cross contamination. the 'we do it all' approach has put a stain on the software development model - we want to fight back.

one size doesn't fit all

we make sure to be equipped with the right tools to deal with the clients we work with. If we don't have a solution for you, we don't work with you - tailored, not templated.

set standards stand for them

Most agencies sign up a client to an endless stream of 'yes, we can do that' - what ends up happening is 'burn out' - on both sides. let's not do that.

the anti agency

Software has gotten expensive because of the wrong reasons. most big agencies outsource work and act as a front. doubling the cost for you. we believe in no unnecessary middle parties. pay towards your work - only.

what is agility?

Agility is about knowing what to do next before it needs to be done - that's all. We don't throw fancy frameworks at you as a scapegoat for delayed work. If things are delayed, we tell you why, and hope you understand that is how it is.

work is always there

We have a strict work balance. Team works during the week efficiently and takes rest at the end of it to come back recharged. Trust us, working efficiently with a refreshed mind is better than working at half mental capacity all the way.

we work remotely

And we collaborate live. We host a virtual 'co-working' space where our team spends a couple of hours from their shift to collaborate where everyone is online. And the remaining, they work where they want, when they want - team is built on trust and ownership - not micromanagement.

documentation is key

we are driven by good documentation, be that at code level, project level, or design level. Good documentation builds a good source of truth for what the company will stand on in the long run.

prioritization is the engine

We practice ruthless prioritization - trim the fat, every week, start of the week. Unnecessary overhead tasks kill most productivity in the agency space. We know what needs to be done, when, how, and where.

lead by example

don't tell, show

We are a team that leads, doesn't command. We do great work, and hope to inspire others to do the same. If you are on the team, you get access to mentorship, not management. The 'culture' needs to be of bringing others up to your mark, not keeping them where they are.

Knowledge Led
Product Dev

Dev Your Product